First Round Of Founding Memberships Expire At Midnight!

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Supervised On-Site Childcare

Our Active Kids Club offers safe, fun and convenient childcare services so that you can prioritize your fitness and wellness while your children are well cared for. At Altea, we believe that having children should enrich your life, not hold you back.

Altea Active Kids club

Focus on You, While we Focus on Them

Our childcare services are designed to provide a safe and nurturing environment for babies, toddlers and children aged from 0-11 years old. Our experienced and trained childcare team members will supervise and entertain your children while you work out, so you can rest assured that they’re in good hands

Our Active Kids Club offers a variety of toys, games, and activities to keep your children active, engaged and happy.

The Active Kids Club will be open on weekdays 8:00am-7:00pm and on weekends 8am-1pm.


What is the policy for sickness?

If your child is unwell, please keep them at home. Participation in the Active Kids Club will be denied, if:

  • Your child has visible rashes
  • Open wounds or sores
  • Signs of fever
  • Unable to participate in activities due to illness

Do you allow nuts in the Active Kids Club?

No, the Active Kids Club is a nut-free space.

Will the Active Kids Club team feed my child?

Yes, we can feed bottles & snacks that are provided by parents at drop off. Reminder that the Active Kids Club is a nut-free space!

Is there a bathroom in the Active Kids Club?

Yes, we have a spacious bathroom with a change table in the Active Kids Club.

Does the Active Kids Club team change diapers?

No, Active Kids Club team members do not change diapers. If your child requires a change, we will give you a call!

Do you have a maximum amount of kids you can take at one time in the Active Kids Club?

Yes, the Active Kids Club abides by registered daycare ratios to ensure an extra layer of safety.

Do I have to book an appointment for the Active Kids Club?

Yes, you can book a spot in advance for your child using our booking platform. Drop-In spaces may be available but we recommend booking in advance.

How far in advance can I book a spot in Active Kids Cub?

Booking is determined based on the parent’s membership type

Diamond: 7 days

Platinum: 5 days

Gold: 2 days

How long can my child stay in the Active Kids Club?

Our mini members are welcome to enjoy 2-hours per day in the Active Kids Club.

Do I have to stay in the building when my child is in the Active Kids Club?

Yes, guardians must stay in the building during their child’s visit at the Active Kids Club.

For a complete list of FAQs, please click here